Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mickey Mouse at Travel Town

This past Wednesday I was lucky enough to be invited by Disney Consumer Products to Mickey's arrival in Los Angeles as part of Mickey's Virtual Train Tour of the West. It was a dream come true for H--he got to play with trains, ride the Travel Town train ride at Griffith Park, and probably his favorite part of the event, view a prescreening of the upcoming Disney Channel primetime special, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Choo Choo Express airing Sunday, October 25th (7:00-7:45 p.m. ET/PT). For me that would be like eating chocolate and watching a food network challenge at the same time!

A fun thing about the event is that they took footage of the kids playing with Mickey. And here is H's youtube debut:

There has been a lot written lately on whether you should or shouldn't post images of your kids online, including one article published just yesterday in the NY Times. Well, I won't tell you where he appears so it could be any of the kids in the clip, although you will notice that there is only one Asian boy. And if you blink you will miss him!

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