UPDATE: WINNERS---CONGRATS TO #6 (MARBLE RACERS), #11 (TOOTH FAIRY), #1 (TOOTH FAIRY) AND #7 (BITDEFENDER INTERNET SECURITY 2010). Thanks to everyone who entered! My next giveaway starting next week will be five pairs of DOCKERS, just in time for Father's Day!
May for those of
you us who love TV is sweeps month. I thought I would celebrate the abundance of original programming with a mega three-in-one giveaway. These are the items you can win:
BitDefender Internet Security 2010
: locks out viruses, hackers, and spam while providing parental control and firewall protection. It will protect one computer for one full year (not just the rest of 2010).
BitDefender just launched a new security resource for online parents called
BitMoms (dads are welcome too!). It is an interactive website and social network that is designed to provide news, content and tools for parents and parent
bloggers in order to make the
internet a safer place for children and families.
Light-Up Marble Racers: combines the racing exciting of mini-toy sports cars and the classic amusement of marbles to create a fun new toy for toddler boys and girls. Your kids can customize their Marble Racers with themed, easy to use, crack & peel racing decals, race their cars on standard tracks, and then watch as the flashing LED marble rolls to keep pace. My boys H&R had a blast trying out these cars. The only thing that might make the car better might be a pull back motor so the car will go on its own (I only noticed this because R was trying to do it), but the boys definitely enjoyed the cars regardless. One Random Mommy reader will win a 6-car collector set courtesy of Skullduggery: Police Racer, Fire Racer, Cats' Eye Racer, Cyclone Racer, Confetti Racer, and Volcano Racer.
Tooth Fairy
Dwayne Johnson (The Game Plan) stars as Derek Thompson, a hard-charging minor league hockey player whose nickname comes from his ability to knock out other players’ teeth. After discouraging a youngster’s hopes, he is ordered to one week’s hard labor as the real Tooth Fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and magic wand. At first he “can’t handle the tooth,” but eventually learns how to adapt to his new position and finds himself rediscovering his own forgotten dreams. From Emmy award-winning director Michael Lembeck (“Friends”), the whimsical adventure features a stellar supporting cast including Academy Award winner Julie Andrews (Enchanted), Ashley Judd (Crossing Over, Helen), Stephan Merchant (“The Office”), and professional skateboarder Ryan Sheckler. It's definitely a fairy tale younger audiences will enjoy. When my family sat down to watch my review copy, my toddlers were interested during the hockey and music scenes, but not so much the fairy scenes (but my kids fulfill every gender stereotype of being boys' boys so are not too much into fairies). TWO Random Mommy readers will win their own DVD, courtesy of
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, to watch in the comfort of their own homes.
HOW TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY:Contest period runs from Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 7:00 PM (Pacific) until Monday, May 10, 2010 at 11:59 PM (Pacific). Enter by
leaving a comment of which item you would like to win, and
leave your e-mail address OR sign in to comments using your Blogger ID, make sure your Blogger profile is public and includes your e-mail address. If you don't leave a comment that includes your prize preference and your e-mail address or public Blogger profile, your entry will be disqualified. One entry per person. I reserve the right to extend the contest period. At the end of the contest period, I will utilize Random.org to randomly choose the four winners. Winners will be contacted by e-mail. Winners have 72 hours to respond to my e-mail. If the winners do not respond within 72 hours, the prizes will go to the next place winner(s) as decided by Random.org. This contest is open for
US Residents only. A huge thank you and much appreciation to the sponsors for their generosity.
I would love to win the Tooth Fairy dvd, because we love the rock and haven't seen this movie yet.
I think I'd like those Marble Racers, they look like just the thing to share with my 4 yr old grandson
The Hankster would love that light up Marble Racer! Maybe I won't step on it since it lights up - ha.
Elijah loves the Rock and was begging me to see the Tooth Fairy, which we still haven't. The Marble Racers would be a second choice as we will be stashing some toys to surprise the boys with once the baby is here.
My boys would love the Marble Racers.
Mia would love the Marble Racer! She can have her very own light up race around the house!
Hi ya, I'd love the Rock for myself cuz I just can't get enough of the man, but the gremlins here would love the Marble Racers. If there are first and second choices I think you have it. Miss ya! Ann
Sign me up for the Tooth Fairy DVD. I want to see the Rock in tights! kismtoys at gmail dot com
I totally thought Nathan would want the marble racer but he saw it and said "I'm too little, Mommy" and then pointed to the Tooth Fairy DVD. So, I'm going for the Tooth Fairy DVD. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.
Would love to win the Tooth Fairy DVD!
I would love the Tooth Fairy DVD or the Marble Racers as they would make a great gift for my nephew.
the Rock is one of my favorite actors! hope i win...
dudeman at hotmail dot com
Tooth fairy
tooth fairy. looks like the movie the pacifier with vin diesel
I think Bella and Harrison will love the Tooth Fairy DVD! But second place would definitely be the light up cars... Thanks for another cool giveaway!
Love always,
The kids like the marble light up cars but also the DVD as second place.
My grandkids like the DVD because they are couch potatoes and when they are watching TV, they are not bothering me.
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