I think I am going to try a new approach this year. Blog more often and use this space for what I intended to originally, to remember the episodes of my life. Hopefully I can read the posts in 20 years and stave off dementia. Right now I'm concerned about that happening due to the latest feature I read in the
NY Times about a lawyer who fought a 20 year battle to reveal the dangers of nonstick pans. Read it and then immediately throw all your nonstick cookware away. So here goes, five things I would blog about if I had had the time:
1) KOREA TRIP 2015--will probably be one of the everlasting memories of my life. I was able to be in Korea for 9 days with my sisters. This has never happened before (since my youngest sister was born in the US) and probably will never happen again.
2) Going to Disneyland with three kids as a solo parent--absolutely need to call in reinforcements, luckily friends were able to meet me on both days we were there.

3) Turkey dinners--actually more cost effective to pay to eat at a high end restaurant. The food will be better and you can avoid exhaustion. I do think Alton Brown has the best/easiest holiday recipes. Even three days is not enough to defrost a 15 lb turkey!!!!
4) Resolutions--get stuff fixed around the house and install an outside outlet so I can charge my car and not get stranded outside.
5) Throwing stuff out to simplify and minimize my life to
stuff that brings me joy--today that stuff is a non-stick pot and pan. I know I have to do it with my bakeware as well but baby steps. I have a hoarding problem and this will be painful.
So there is my short and sweet first blog post of the year. Happy 2016 friends!