CONGRATULATIONS TO NUMBERS 7 AND 13! Please respond to my email within 72 hours. Thanks everyone who entered!
H&R both started on
YoBaby yogurt at 8 months old. H's pediatrician said that yogurt is more easily digestible than whole milk and could be started at that age since H had already started on stage 3 foods. I started R at that time because he was having food issues (not eating) and I was desperate to get him eating anything. For some reason, YoBaby was one of the only "baby" foods he would eat. So when I was given the opportunity to review
Stonyfield Farm yogurts and host a giveaway for my readers, I was happy to do it since Stonyfield Farm yogurts have always been a part of my (I've eaten my fair share of O'Soy) and my kids' diets.
It was the first time my kids tried
YoToddler, which is a fairly new line that bridges the gap between YoBaby and YoKids. It contains protein, iron and DHA (the omega-3 fatty acid that helps brain development) that toddlers still need in their "grow" years. Whole milk YoToddler comes in 4-cup single flavor packs with DHA in both Apple with DHA & Iron, and Strawberry Banana with DHA. Like its predecessor, YoBaby Plus Fruit & Cereal, YoToddler combines fruit & cereal with the benefits mom wants (DHA, iron) in a delicious organic yogurt that picky toddlers love. I don't think the boys cared that YoToddler is certified organic, but I know they loved the taste because they ate it all up. As their mom, I definitely appreciate that there are no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colors or flavors. We also tried
YoKids Squeezers. Stonyfield's low-fat YoKids yogurts have 25% less sugar than the leading kids yogurt and only pure, organic ingredients. H&R absolutely love the Squeezers. They finish them every time, which they don't do with the other leading brand of yogurt tubes. I think it's because the Squeezers are less sweet and also have a slightly higher milk fat content so they don't get overwhelmed with a sugary taste in their mouths. Whatever it is, they love them!

YoToddler and YoKids are kosher and feature Stonyfield's exclusive blend of six live active cultures. I'm a firm believer in the power of probiotics. My boys had problems with regularity and it was only when I started introducing probiotics into their diet that they stopped having those kinds of issues. I think when people don't see the word "probiotic" in big letters on a package they tend not to realize that all yogurts have them. All Stonyfield products have an exclusive blend of six live active probiotic cultures--more than any other leading national brand. Probiotics strengthen your immune system and support your body’s natural resistance to harmful bacteria. It is especially helpful to enhance our immune systems, which tend to slow down as we grow older.
Stonyfield Farm, celebrating its 27th year, is the world's leading organic yogurt company. Its all natural and certified organic yogurt, smoothies, milk, cultured soy, frozen yogurt and ice cream are distributed nationally. The company advocates that healthy food can only come from a healthy planet. Its use of organic ingredients helps keep over 180,000 farm acres free of toxic, persistent pesticides and chemical fertilizers known to contaminate soil, drinking water and food. To help reduce climate change, Stonyfield offsets all of the C02 emissions generated from its facility energy use. The company also started a nonprofit called
Climate Counts which shows people how they can help fight climate change by the way they shop and invest. Stonyfield also donates 10% of its profits to efforts that help protect and restore the Earth.
Stonyfield Farm will give two Random Mommy readers the opportunity to enjoy these yogurts and see the benefits of their proprietary probiotic formula. One Random Mommy reader will win a prize pack of YoToddler yogurt coupons, an Eric Carle illustrated growth chart, and a
Preserve green travel bowl. The other Random Mommy reader will win a prize pack of YoKids yogurt coupons, a YoKids superhero cape (like the one modeled by H), and a Preserve green travel bowl.
HOW TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY: Contest period runs from Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 2:01 PM (Pacific) until Sunday, August 15, 2010 at 11:59 PM (Pacific). Enter by
leaving a comment on your favorite way to enjoy yogurt, and
leave your e-mail address OR sign in to comments using your Blogger ID, making sure your Blogger profile is public and includes your e-mail address.
Bonus Entries (leave a separate comment for each entry, it counts if you've done any of these so leave a comment for each one)
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If you don't leave a qualifying comment and your e-mail address or public Blogger profile, your entry will be disqualified. I reserve the right to extend the contest period. At the end of the contest period, I will utilize to randomly choose the winners. The winners will be contacted by e-mail and will have 72 hours to respond to my e-mail. If the winners do not respond within 72 hours, the prizes will go to the next place winners as decided by This contest is open for
US Residents only. A huge thank you and much appreciation to my friends at Stonyfield Farm for their generosity! Good luck!
I did not receive compensation for this post. I did receive product samples to facilitate my review.